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Exegesis and theology of the Pentateuch, the Deuteronomistic History, Wisdom literature, Hebrew poetry, Psalms, the prophetic literature; OT and biblical theology; OT interpretation and hermeneutics.
Criticism and theology of Mark, Luke-Acts, John, the Pauline letters, Hebrews and Revelation; Pauline theology; NT theology, especially God, Christology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, missiology; aspects of New Testament hermeneutics (e.g. the contribution of linguistics, use of the OT in the NT); historical Jesus studies; social-historical, sociological, narrative-criticial and theological approaches to the New Testament; Greek language and linguistics; textual criticism.
Patristics; Bernard of Clairvaux; Augustine; Reformation studies; Calvin; nineteenth-century Scottish theology; twentieth-century theology; Walter Rauschenbusch; Reinhold Niebuhr; Jürgen Moltmann; Pentecostalism and charismatic Christianity.
Trinitarian theology; Christology; Pneumatology; anthropology; soteriology and atonement; justification; ecclesiology; sacraments; Scripture and tradition; development of doctrine; personhood; aesthetics; theology and culture; Catholic-Protestant dialogue; theological method; Pentecostalism; pentecostal theologies; Holiness.
Theology and contemporary culture; personhood; ethical method; social ethics; environmental theology; ecumenical ethics; ethical dialogue; theology and moral philosophy; medical ethics; Christian ministry, especially charismatic ministries; issues relating to mental health; women in ministry; Pentecostal distinctives and practices, especially in the UK; Holiness.
Explore topics such in liturgical theology, theological aesthetics, ethnographic/ethnomusicological case studies, music and worship in African Christianity, Indonesian music, music and worship in ‘reverse mission’, theology of worship, global ecclesial practices, composition and more.
Theological Education; Theology of Education; Philosophy of Education; Curriculum in Theological Education; Teaching and Learning in Theological Education; Leadership and Management in Theological Education; Spiritual Formation; Character Education.
Possession; Spiritual Trauma; Spirituality; Psychoanalysis and Religion; Cultural and Social Anthropology; Spiritual Healing; Christian Faith and Mental Health; Christian Spirituality and Mental Health; Forensic Psychology and Belief; Conversion; Psychopathy and Faith; Evil Eye and Healing; Demonology.