
Since its founding, London School of Theology has been dedicated to serving the church of Jesus Christ worldwide, through the education of individuals, equipping of local churches, and engagement in leading research.

For over 75 years London School of Theology (LST) has provided the opportunity to study in an interdenominational context at the highest level of evangelical theology. We offer a truly thought-provoking and challenging range of courses that will enhance your walk with God, whilst preparing you to engage with the world in a new way.

London School of Theology is a place that not only enables its students to develop strong research and analytical skills but we are unique in the fact that we are devoted to training the whole person.

Our world class faculty will engage, encourage and equip you to reach new levels of achievement as you develop academically, spiritually, practically and personally. Excellence doesn’t come easily, but it is worth the effort. Choosing London School of Theology is to be open to God’s will for every area of your life and for His world.

Mark Cartledge
Meet our Principal

Professor Cartledge is a Church of England minister with extensive experience in ministry over many years. He has taught in seminaries in Nigeria and the USA, as well as St John’s College, Durham. He has also worked in departments of Theology and Religion at the Universities of Wales (Lampeter, now called Trinity Saint David) and Birmingham. He is a practical theologian who has specialised in the study of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity.

Our Vision
Forming Disciples, Resourcing Churches, Impacting Society.

We form disciples of Jesus Christ and resource the ministry of churches, impacting society by our witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God. We do this by providing theological and interdisciplinary education in Christian community. To understand more about our vision and mission, you can watch the video below or read our strategy here.

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