
PhD – Doctor of Philosophy
Thesis of up to 80,000 words and an oral examination (viva).

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Research programmes are a collaborative research initiative between London School of Theology and Middlesex University.

Working towards a PhD at London School of Theology has forced me to integrate my academics with my faith expression.

Hannah Mather

Why embark on a PhD?

Here at London School of Theology we believe research should be accessible, relevant and engaging. Undertaking doctoral research at London School of Theology provides you with the opportunity to be involved in research at the cutting edge of theological disciplines.

Students are required to attend London School of Theology for two weeks a year for supervision and an opportunity to come and learn with the wider School community. It helps that London School of Theology is so close to London and its rich library resources.

Programme Summary

London School of Theology and Middlesex University jointly offer research supervision for the PhD degree.

A PhD thesis must show the ability to test ideas and critically investigate your chosen area. You need to offer a substantial fresh discovery or analysis, to argue some new critical hypothesis, or to provide substantial new arguments for an older one.

Ultimately your research must result in an independent and original contribution to knowledge in your chosen discipline, which, in principle, is worthy of publication. By the time your thesis is submitted, you should be able to show that your competence in your chosen area is comparable with that of the experts.

PhD candidates in biblical disciplines are expected to have the ability to interact with their primary sources in the original languages (e.g. Hebrew or Greek) as well as with secondary material in the main research languages (English, French and German). Other disciplines may require other languages which will vary considerably according to the area of study and some may require no foreign languages.

Time Commitment

This programme is available both full-time and part-time. Usually, full-time study will take 3 years and part-time study will take 4 1⁄2 years.

Students can choose to apply for residency on campus and work on campus (personal study spaces are available). Students undertaking research from a distance are expected to fulfil a 2 weeks’ residency per annum if full time and one week per annum if part-time. New research students are also expected to attend a 3-day research induction which usually takes place at the start of October.


This programme is a collaborative research initiative between London School of Theology and Middlesex University.

We have a large number of research supervisors covering a variety of subjects.

Take a look at an indication of the main areas of interest among our research supervisors.

Find out the entry requirements for registration on our PhD programme.

Student Testimonials

Find Out More
Doreen Rosser
Research Admissions
Doreen Rosser

If you wish to find out more or have an informal discussion, please complete the form to send an email to Doreen Rosser.

    Director of Research and Senior Lecturer in Systematic Theology
    Graham McFarlane
    Research Programmes Administrator
    Sandra Khalil
    Recent PhD Theses

    Oscar Jimenez Quintana – The Narrative of Ephesians 2:11-22: Motion Towards Maximal Proximity and Higher Status

    David Heading – Insights and Disclosures: A Study of the Philosophical Theology of Bernard Lonergan and Ian Ramsey

    Justin Winzenburg – Subversive Speech – Acts? An Evaluation of an imperial-Critical Reading of Ephesians

    Matthew Jones – Reckoning with White-Flight and Faith: An Ethno-Theological Case Study of Racial History and Evangelical Memory in Postwar Los Angeles

    Grace Al Zoughbi – Arab Protestant Women in Theological Education: A contribution to Ecclesial Understanding of Christianity in the Middle East

    Jeannette Mitterhofer – Tyndale, a Zwinglian Theologian? A Comparison between Tyndale’s and Zwingli’s Doctrines of the Lord’s Supper

    Iain Blair Jamieson – A Kleinian Analysis of Lamentations

    Apply for BA (Hons) Theology