Areas of Research

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The lists below give an indication of the main areas of interest among our research supervisors; follow the links to individual supervisors’ profiles to find out each one’s more specific interests. Projects that fall outside these areas will also be considered.
Old Testament

Exegesis and theology of the Pentateuch, the Deuteronomistic History, Wisdom literature, Hebrew poetry, Psalms, the prophetic literature; OT and biblical theology; OT interpretation and hermeneutics.

Research Supervisor in Hebrew Bible
Jean-Marc Heimerdinger
Research Programmes
New Testament

Criticism and theology of Mark, Luke-Acts, John, the Pauline letters, Hebrews and Revelation; Pauline theology; NT theology, especially God, Christology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, missiology; aspects of New Testament hermeneutics (e.g. the contribution of linguistics, use of the OT in the NT); historical Jesus studies; social-historical, sociological, narrative-criticial and theological approaches to the New Testament; Greek language and linguistics; textual criticism.

BA Theology Programme Leader and Professor of New Testament Studies
Cornelis Bennema
Programme Leader MA Biblical Studies and MA Theological Studies, Lecturer in Biblical Studies
Julie Robb
Programme Leader – BA Theology & Liberal Arts and Lecturer in Theology
Andy Everhart
Professor of Early Christianity and New Testament
Graham H. Twelftree
Church History and Historical Theology

Patristics; Bernard of Clairvaux; Augustine; Reformation studies; Calvin; nineteenth-century Scottish theology; twentieth-century theology; Walter Rauschenbusch; Reinhold Niebuhr; Jürgen Moltmann; Pentecostalism and charismatic Christianity.

Professor of Historical Theology
Tony Lane
Senior Lecturer in Historical Theology and Church History
Matthew Knell
Systematic and Philosophical Theology

Trinitarian theology; Christology; Pneumatology; anthropology; soteriology and atonement; justification; ecclesiology; sacraments; Scripture and tradition; development of doctrine; personhood; aesthetics; theology and culture; Catholic-Protestant dialogue; theological method; Pentecostalism; pentecostal theologies; Holiness.

Programme Leader – BA Theology & Liberal Arts and Lecturer in Theology
Andy Everhart
Lecturer in Theological Education
Marvin Oxenham
Professor of Historical Theology
Tony Lane
Practical Theology and Theological Education

Theology and contemporary culture; personhood; ethical method; social ethics; environmental theology; ecumenical ethics; ethical dialogue; theology and moral philosophy; medical ethics; Christian ministry, especially charismatic ministries; issues relating to mental health; women in ministry; Pentecostal distinctives and practices, especially in the UK; Holiness.

Principal, Professor of Practical Theology
Mark J. Cartledge
MA Practical Theology and Ministry Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer in Practical Theology
Alistair McKitterick
Lecturer in Theological Education
Marvin Oxenham
Senior Lecturer in Practical Theology
Chloe Lynch
Music and Worship

Explore topics such in liturgical theology, theological aesthetics, ethnographic/ethnomusicological case studies, music and worship in African Christianity, Indonesian music, music and worship in ‘reverse mission’, theology of worship, global ecclesial practices, composition and more.

Lecturer in Theological Aesthetics
Christopher Grey
Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies

Pentecostal History and Theology; Constructive Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology; Empirical Studies of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity.

Principal, Professor of Practical Theology
Mark J. Cartledge
Theological Education

Theological Education; Theology of Education; Philosophy of Education; Curriculum in Theological Education; Teaching and Learning in Theological Education; Leadership and Management in Theological Education; Spiritual Formation; Character Education.

Lecturer in Theological Education
Marvin Oxenham
Research Supervisor
Parush Parushev
Psychology of Religion, Spirituality and Mental Health

Possession; Spiritual Trauma; Spirituality; Psychoanalysis and Religion; Cultural and Social Anthropology; Spiritual Healing; Christian Faith and Mental Health; Christian Spirituality and Mental Health; Forensic Psychology and Belief; Conversion; Psychopathy and Faith; Evil Eye and Healing; Demonology.