This term, we’ve been joined by a number of new members of faculty. This includes the brilliant Alistair McKitterick, who joins us from Moorlands.
Our Marketing and Communications Manager, Rebekah Carter, sits down Alistair and gets to know his story and background, and what made him come to LST.

Hi Alistair, welcome to LST! We’re delighted to have you head up our brand new MA programme in Practical Theology & Ministry. Tell us a little bit about your background and how you ended up at LST.
Hi! It’s wonderful to be here. So, originally I come from Scotland, but I’ve been moving steadily southwards, and I’m now based around Chichester. For the last nineteen years (nearly!) I was a lecturer at Moorlands College in Dorset. But I’m now at LST because of the opportunity to serve God through developing the new MA in Practical Theology & Ministry programme.
It’s brilliant to have you! Tell us, what exactly will you be teaching?
I’ll be leading the core module in that Masters degree – Practical Theology and Reflective Practice – and some of the optional modules in the second term. And then next year, I’ll be teaching apologetics to level 5 students!
What makes you excited to be teaching at LST?
I love that LST is where evangelical Christian faith and high academic standards are the driving force of all the education that goes on here. Students can expect to engage with the best scholarship in a supportive context of worship and community.
What can new students expect from your modules? And what opportunities will that give them after graduating?
Students will learn skills for understanding and interpreting ministry situations in a professional and spiritual manner. These skill are combined with strong biblical understandings of what it means to flourish as an individual and community, and what direction a chosen ministry response should take. Students will develop ministry leadership skills that enhances their ability to communicate the vision behind ministry decisions and enable stronger team ministry dynamics.

Wow, that sounds great! What advice would you give to any students starting with you this term? Or maybe for those considering applying to LST for next year?
Our students are our best advertisement: come and speak to those already studying and learn first hand the benefit of learning in this environment, even if it is through an online mode of delivery.
The Practical Theology and Ministry programme will equip students to enter the most complex ministry arenas with confidence – so speak to those who are already doing it and get a flavour of it from them!
Tell us, what did you study?
I studied Physics at Manchester University, Theology and Hermeneutics here at LST, and then completed my ministry doctorate at Chester University.
And it’s brilliant to have you back in a teaching capacity now!
Final question – can you give us one fun, random fact about yourself?
Oh – I’m about 16 hills short of completing all the Munros in Scotland! (There are 282 peaks in total!)