If you are a full-time student, you can work to graduate in 3 years. If you are a part-time student you will normally complete your studies in 6 years. You will also have two practical placement modules that you will complete at levels 4 and 5, and a final dissertation project at level 6.
Full details of the Programme Specification can be downloaded by clicking here.
Level 4
Level 4 will be your first year at London School of Theology., You will take all core modules. If you are a full-time student you will take them all in one year, if you are a part-time student you would normally take these over two years. The order of the modules is indicative, but there are some modules you need to take before others. There are no options in the first year.
You can take all the Level 4 modules on-campus or online, or as a ‘blended’ combination.
Level 5
You will take all core modules, and a selection of options, ranging from Biblical Texts or Pastoral Care, to World Religions and Preaching. Again, if you are full-time you will take them all in one year and if you are part-time you would normally take these over two years.
All of the core level 5 modules and most of the optional modules can also be taken online, including languages.
Level 6
You will take all the core modules, and a selection of options. Again, if you are full-time you will take them all in one year and if you are part-time you would normally take these over two years.
All of the core level 6 modules and most of the optional modules can also be taken online, including languages.

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