Module List, Prices and Awards
Modules studied within Life-Long Learning receive no academic credits from Middlesex University.

Certificate Level Modules
Prices for Certificate level modules: 10 credits – £150.00, 20 credits – £215.00
- Basic Old Testament Theology (102) 10 credits
- Bible & World (111) 10 credits
- Christian Spirituality (902) 10 credits
- Four Gospels (007) 20 credits
- Islam (900) 20 credits
- Liberating the Leadership (400) 20 credits
- New Testament Greek (600) 10 credits
- Reading the Greek New Testament (006) 10 credits
- Religion & Religions (901) 20 credits
Diploma Level Modules
Prices for Diploma level modules: 10 credits – £170.00, 20 credits – £290.00
- 1 Corinthians (201) 20 credits
- Church in the World (500) 20 credits
- Colossians & Philemon: Greek Exegesis (601) 20 credits
- The Future Hope (300) 20 credits
- Genesis (101) 20 credits
- Jeremiah (100) 10 credits
- Scripture & Hermeneutics (DL 205) 10 credits
- Theology of Paul (DL204) 10 credits
Bible Knowledge Award
Successful completion of an Old Testament and a New Testament module.
Theological Knowledge Award
Successful completion of 40 credits of Study from the Doctrine. History and Religions Section.
Theological Studies Award
Successful completion of any combination of modules that total 120 credits Students will be invited to Graduation Day to collect this award.
Advanced Theological Studies Award
Successful completion of any combination of modules that total 240 Credits. Students will be invited to Graduation Day to collect this award.
Please contact Clare Miller for details on our module prices.