Parush Parushev

Parush Parushev
Director of Studies and Research Supervisor


BS/MS and PhD (Science), Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Russia; MDiv Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kentucky US; PhD (Theology)

Parush R Parushev is native of Sofia, Bulgaria. He is an ordained Baptist minister, he has pastored Baptist congregations in the USA and Prague, Czech Republic. Currently he is the Rector of the St. Trivelius Higher Theological Institute Sofia, Bulgaria; Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Doctoral supervisor in Theology and the former Director of the Institute for Systematic Studies of Contextual Theologies at the International Baptist Theological Study Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He is also a visiting professor of the Faculty of Religion and Theology at the Free University in Amsterdam and adjunct lecturer of the Faculty of Theology, Sofia University. He serves as the Director of Studies and doctoral supervisor in theological education at the London School of Theology, UK and a Doctor of Ministry supervisor for the Acadia Divinity College, Nova Scotia Canada. He is the Associated Director for Academic Development of the Scholars Programme of the Langham Partners. For seventeen years he was the Senior lecturer (2000-2016), Academic Dean (2002-2013) and the Rector/ Director (2013-2016) of the International Baptist Theological Seminary o.p.s. of the European Baptist Federation Prague, Czech Republic. He was a member of the Council Board of the European Council for Theological Education.

Parush teaches theology, philosophy and ethics. He has been a scientific researcher, senior research fellow and the director of research laboratory of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as well as a lecturer at the University of Sofia in the field of applied mechanics and robotics (1973-1993). He has a habilitation (Associate professor/ Docent) in the field of applied mathematics and extended habilitation in theology. He has supervised, examined and continued supervising more than 80 doctoral students in theology and science. As a scientist and theologian, he has held a number of full-time academic positions and has been a visiting and adjunct professor at several universities and colleges in Europe and the US.

He is currently serving among others on the editorial boards of the series Amsterdam Studies in Baptist and Mennonite Theology and Journal of European Baptist Studies (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Theologica Wratislaviensia (Wroclaw, Poland), and Jurnal Teologic (Bucharest, Romania). He is a member of the Visitation Evaluation Team of the European Council of Theological Education; member of American Academy of Religion, International Association for Mission Studies, Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians, Bulgarian Bible Society and of several other academic communities in Europe and the US. He is also an associated member of the Institute of Mechanics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as well as a foreign corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Arts, St. Petersburg. He is a former member of the Commissions on Freedom and Justice and of Theological Education and Leadership Formation of the Mission, Evangelism & Theological Reflections division of the Baptist World Alliance; of the Division of External Relations of the European Baptist Federation and a member of the Ethical expert group of Community of Protestant Churches in Europe. He is an author, co-author and editor of more than twenty books and has published a good number of academic works in science and theology.