Chloe Lynch
Senior Lecturer in Practical Theology

MA (Cantab) MA (Middx) PhD (Middx) Solicitor (non-practising)

Chloe is both academic and practitioner. At LST, she lectures, supervises research and writes as a practical theologian, with interests including leadership, spiritual theology and preaching. Within the local church context, she spent a decade in leadership and now offers her time to the wider church in preaching, teaching and mentoring emerging leaders. Chloe also practises as a Carmelite-trained spiritual director, working often with evangelical leaders.

Cambridge University gave Chloe her first degree, a Masters in Law, and was also where she met her husband. Some years after qualifying as a solicitor in a ‘magic circle’ City practice, Chloe then left the City to pursue theological training at LST alongside her leadership role with a church in West London. During that time she also fulfilled various teaching responsibilities here at LST and was then officially appointed to the faculty in 2014.

Chloe’s doctoral thesis, Ecclesial Leadership as Friendship, was published in Routledge’s ‘Explorations in Practical, Pastoral and Empirical Theology’ series. She has also published a number of academic articles (see ‘Publications’ tab), various devotional materials and she blogs on leadership and spirituality.

Chloe Lynch, Ecclesial Leadership as Friendship (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019)

Chloe Lynch, Ecclesial Leadership as Friendship (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019)

In this book Dr Lynch provides an original theological argument for taking the notion of friendship seriously in the context of ecclesial leadership. This is a most welcome study that could influence the theology and practice of leadership in the church significantly. Therefore, I highly recommend this book because it deserves to be read and discussed widely by church leaders, scholars and students.’ – Mark J. Cartledge, Professor of Practical Theology, Regent University School of Divinity, USA

‘One of the classic tasks of theology—that somehow has been lost in the blurring transitions of modernity—is to speak of the most central and intimate parts of human existence. Chloe Lynch has offered us an important book that does just this, taking us deeply inside the experience of friendship, showing how God moves in the rhythms of friendship, and how we are most human when we are friends with God and one another. This is an immensely helpful book that will challenge your conception of leadership, and beautifully call you into new theological visions.’ – Andrew Root, The Carrie Olson Baalson Professor of Youth and Family Ministry, Luther Seminary, USA and author of The Pastor in a Secular Age (2019)

‘In a time of deep uncertainty and apparently perpetual change the issue of leadership becomes crucial. If the church does not faithfully nurture Christ-like leaders then the beautiful and crucial gift that is the Gospel will be inhibited in its transformative task. Of course God’s work will continue no matter what! The church exists for a purpose: to expand our imagination. When the apostle Paul talks about renewing our minds, at least part of what he pushes us to consider is the reconstruction of our imagination. In this book Chloe offers us a way of thinking and understanding leadership that serves to re-form our imagination in ways that can enable us to re-think and reframe what it means to lead God’s people. That is not a small contribution! This is a fascinating and important book that has huge potential for facilitating creative thinking, and initiating thoughtful change and faithful living.’ – John Swinton, Professor in Practical Theology and Pastoral Care, University of Aberdeen, UK

In addition to her book, Chloe has also published a number of articles: