On Sunday 22 September, St Edmundsbury Cathedral in Suffolk held a special service for the licensing of Lay Readers and Pioneer Ministers. Much of the music was directed by LST music lecturer Richard Hubbard, who is Music Development Director at the cathedral. The service brought together a range of music and worship styles, designed to reflect the diversity of worship in the Anglican church.
Worship band, choir and organ came together in a powerful blend of hymns and worship songs that is rarely experienced in a cathedral setting. Richard says “Mixing Hillsong and Kendrick with cathedral choir, organ and incense is an exciting dynamic that helps bring the symbolic ceremonial of cathedral worship to life in a new way. At LST we encourage music and worship students to value a breadth of approach that respects a variety of traditions, and St Edmundsbury Cathedral is making a significant contribution to drawing together the many strands of 21st century worship”.