Programme Structure

You will find three broad categories in the curriculum. The first being biblical studies, the second historical/systematic theology and the third areas of practical theology.

Each module is characterised through elements of academic knowledge and understanding, spiritual formation and ministerial training.

Three complementary strands of theological thinking are integrated throughout the programme: Biblical Studies; Christian History, Doctrine and Theology; and Christian Life, Ministry and Mission in Contemporary Society. Students will also be offered the opportunity to engage other disciplines from a theological perspective at level 4 through 2 optional Liberal Arts modules.

The degree award requires achievement of 360 credits consisting of 120 credits at each of Levels 4, 5 and 6. Students may enter directly into Level 5 or Level 6 or be exempted from part of Level 4 with appropriate prior learning and/or experience. Students may exit after successfully completing Level 4 with CertHE or after successfully completing Level 5 with DipHE.

A complete list of the Module Narratives for the programme can be found by clicking here.  Full details of the Programme Specification can be downloaded by clicking here.

Level 4
Students must take all of the following 10 credit modules (Total = 90 credits):

TH4001 Introduction to the New Testament

TH4002 Introduction to the Old Testament

TH4005 Introduction to Doctrine

TH4006 Introduction to Theology

TH4007 God and Creation

TH4008 Faith in Time

TH4009 Global Christianity

TH4010 Key Christian Thinkers

TH4011 Spiritual Theology 1

Student must take one optional module from each of these 3 categories (total 3 optional modules):

1) TH4003 Old Testament Texts OR


TL4001 Theology and Liberal Arts I: Introducing Liberal Arts Education

2) TH4013 New Testament Greek Introduction 1 (iv) OR


TH4003 New Testament Texts

3) TH4012 Practical Placement 1 OR


TL4006 Theology Among the Disciplines

120 Credits


Level 5
Students must take all of the following 10 credit modules (Total = 80 credits):

TH5001 Jesus and the Gospels

TH5002 Genesis, Prophets and God

TH5003 Scripture, Exegesis and Hermeneutics

TH5004 Person and Work of Christ

TH5005 Relational Theology

TH5007 Spiritual Theology 2

TH5008 Practical Placement 2

TH5113 Sin, Grace & Eschatology

Students must also choose four from the following 10 credit modules (40 credits):

TH5123 Pauline Studies

TH5124 Studies in Old Testament Literature

TH5112 Old Testament Hebrew 1


TH5114 Theology of Worship 2

TH5115 Preaching

TH5116 Pastoral Care

TH5125 Character and Virtue Education

TH5117 World Religions

TH5126 Theology and Sociology

TH5118 Evangelism in the UK

TH5119 Innovation in Youth Ministry: Principles and Practice

TH5109 Biblical Texts

TH5121 New Testament Greek Introduction 1 (v)

TH5122 New Testament Greek Introduction 2

120 Credits




Level 6
Students are required to complete either Core A or Core B and choose either 60 or 80 credits from the Optional Module list.

Core A (total: 40 credits)

TH6003 Integrative Project (20 credits)

TH6002 The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (20 credits)


Core B (total: 60 credits)

TH6114 Extended Integrative Project (40 credits)

TH6002 The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

(20 credits)

Students must also choose three or four from the following optional modules (60 or 80 credits):

TH6113 New Testament Greek Advanced Texts

TH6106 Old Testament Hebrew 2

TH6107 The Modern Church

TH6109 Pastoral Leadership in the Church

TH6110 Christian Ethics


TH6112 Purity and Holiness: Ritual in the Old Testament

TH6108 Global Theologies

TH6115 Advanced New Testament Texts

* all modules = 20 credits

120 Credits
Apply for BA (Hons) Theology