We are celebrating the news that Dr Cor Bennema will become a Professor from 1st September 2024.
Dr Bennema will have the academic rank of Professor, with his new academic title being Professor of New Testament Studies. This promotion builds upon his expertise in New Testament studies and his research in this area.
As a graduate of LST (1992-2001), Cor went on to teach New Testament Studies at a seminary in India (2002-2013), then at Union School of Theology in the UK (2013-2021), and now at LST since his return in 2021. His research interests include the Johannine literature, Mark’s Gospel, the Holy Spirit, character studies in biblical narrative, and early Christian ethics. He writes for both the academy and church, for a list of his publications see https://lst.academia.edu/CornelisBennema.
The promotion panel was extremely impressed by his application and supporting documentation. His six academic referees from major universities around the world supported his promotion enthusiastically!
As his inaugural professorial lecture, Cor has accepted the invitation to give the Laing Lecture for 2025. The topic will be ‘The Imitation of Jesus in Early Christianity and Today’.