Last Updated: 18th November 2021
Please contact for any questions or concerns.
The health and wellbeing of our students, colleagues, and visitors is our top priority.
Key points
- Our plans and actions will be updated as appropriate, following Government and Public Health England guidance.
For further information on the UK government’s Coronavirus action plan, visit the Coronavirus Action plan webpage on GOV.UK
Information for current students and applicants
LST Covid measures for the Autumn term
LST takes very seriously the health and wellbeing of its students and staff and throughout the pandemic its Covid Response Team has met regularly to keep up to date with the latest advice and implement the appropriate actions.
Despite the highly successful vaccination programme it is still possible to catch and spread COVID-19, even if you are fully vaccinated.
If you have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccine, please do get vaccinated as soon as you can (unless you have been advised for medical reasons not to), let us know if you need help finding somewhere to have the vaccination locally. Evidence indicates that 2 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine provide very effective protection against hospitalisation but it usually takes around 2 to 3 weeks for your body to develop its protective response so please do not delay.
If you have any of COVID-19 symptoms or a positive test result you should stay at home / in your room and self-isolate immediately. Please report your symptoms to the LST covid Helpdesk or contact our Facilities and Conferencing Manager Elizabeth Case. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should arrange to take a PCR test as soon as possible, even if you’ve had one or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.
As a community we need to be aware of our own welfare and that of others and so the following safeguarding measures will be in force at the beginning of term:
The current requirement for universities is that ALL students & staff should complete a lateral flow test no more than three days apart and certainly no less than twice per week, we would recommend Sunday & Wednesday using the test kits which can be picked up from the LST reception once you have made a request for one using this link: Test kit request. You should then register the result on the Gov.UK website: and forward the emailed confirmation you then receive to: Returning a negative result is a pre-requisite of being able to attend lectures and make use of onsite facilities.
Wearing a mask
COVID-19 spreads through the air by droplets and aerosols that are exhaled from the nose and mouth of an infected person. The government and medical advice is that you should still wear face coverings in crowded and enclosed areas where you come into contact with people you do not usually meet. As such in crowded poorly ventilated areas on campus such as the chapel and potentially a few of our lecture rooms, we will maintain the requirement to wear a mask. Please look out for the relevant notices on the doors and carry a mask with you.
The normal exemptions for medical reasons will apply as evidenced by a coloured lanyard which should be obtained from Clara our Equality, Diversity and Disability Adviser
Monitoring temperatures
There is a temperature reading device by the main entrance door. if you feel you might have a temperature, please do check and should you find you do, then please isolate until you can arrange a test.
Hand sanitising / washing
Please continue to maintain hand hygiene by regularly washing your hands and using the gel found around the building. When entering key transmission areas such as the dining room and the library, please always sanitise your hands before entering.
We will be aiming to fully ventilate rooms where this is possible so please be prepared to dress accordingly as the days grow colder.
For any help or advice please reach out to Elizabeth Case or the Covid helpdesk she monitors
“The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:5-6
One of the great privileges of the Christian life is being able to bring our concerns to the Lord in prayer. We pray not to a God who is far away and insensitive to our needs, but to a Father who is near and who loves us. What’s more, as God’s people we can support each other in prayer. In uncertain times we can rely on the constancy of God and the prayers of the saints.
So let’s pray for each other. Our pastoral team would love to hear from you with any specific prayer requests you have – email us on If you would be happy for your request to be shared with the wider LST community, please do tell us when you email. God bless you.
Rev. Alison Atkinson