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Diploma of Higher Education in Theology & Counselling - Level 5

The Level 5 course is for those who have completed the Level 4 course and are interested in becoming a professionally trained counsellor. The Level 5 year is a challenging and intensive course which will enhance and enable your counselling skills and further develop your knowledge of clinical theory and your understanding of the REMA model.

During this year you will find a placement and start to work with the general public as practicing counsellor. Previous participants have found this a highly rewarding year. The Level 5 course consists of theoretical seminars; skills practice and group activities.

Each week the counselling seminars look at theory relevant to clinical practice and approaches are discussed in the large group. The approach to these sessions is relational and interactive. Students will have opportunities to practice counselling skills, using live examples and experiential exercises, while the theology seminars undergird a Christian spiritual worldview and further develop your own personal belief base. The course consists of theoretical seminars, skills practice seminars and group activities.

Each week the seminars are theoretical and relevant academic papers are discussed in the large group. Also students practice counselling skills, using role-plays, experiential exercises in relation to the following themes.

Unit Name Hours
Diploma of Higher Education in Theology & Counselling - Level 5
Jesus and the Gospels 10
Genesis, Prophets and God 10
Person and Work of Christ 10
Relational Theology 10
Relational Theory 30
Relational Practice 30
Relational Growth 20